Short list of example memes, in the form of 'sayings':
- Live to fight another day
- Life is too short, live every day fully
- Better a bird in the hand than two in the bush
- Better safe than sorry
- Don't bite the hand that feeds you
- Imitation is the highest flattery
... Surely we can find more. [Todo: get a list of sayings/aphorims/proverbs, and classify them by topics, try to convert into code.] Some would be about cost/benefit, others about what kinds of things you want (gold, love, fame, ...), others about how you go about it (morals), etc. Priority might help determine which of two 'related' memes, that both want to direct the AI in a given situation, will take over. This is as opposed to defining characters (PC or NPC) in terms of skills (lockpicking, building, shooting, ...), traits (stamina, intelligence, strength, ...), or whatever else has been used for video or table-top games -- instead you define them in terms of their thought processes, their inner core. Or so I think. We'll have to see how that turns out.