Reference > U.S.-Sponsored Regime Change in Haiti
Description :: Nirit Ben-Ari and Bill Weinberg, World War 3 Report, March 1, 2004
The accusations against the US are not precisely strong. However, this may serve as a platform to talk about terrorism, civil wars, public outcry, coups, power, gun control, and more. The problem here is that we're not sure if a change in government is being forced by a minority with guns, or a majority, some of whom have guns, or by possibly outside forces with stake in the change. The 20th century, and likely the 21st, will certainly have been full of examples of meddling from outside forces in the internal affairs of nations. But then we all affect each other, don't we? Should we not help the defenseless? Or help those who rise up for good change? Profitable change? Change that the majority want but can't get? Ah, it's a bloody mess, no matter how I look at it. So I'll talk about that. Later.
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